Mentor Spotlight: Trisha Black

Trisha is no stranger to challenging herself to follow her calling. An engineer at heart, Trisha went on to study biomedical engineering after earning her bachelor's in psychology. Once in the workforce, her aptitude for technology quickly drew her towards computer science. Despite lacking the educational foundation, she soon completed a master’s degree in computer science, machine learning, and big data at Carnegie Mellon University. 

Since then, she’s used her enthusiasm for tech to thrive in various technical roles and stretched her skillset to reach that next, bigger job. Now living an active life in Denver, CO, she balances her work/life with her love of the outdoors, food, music, and the occasional travel. 

But there’s one theme that runs through Trisha’s time as a professional: she’s long been following issues related to “women in tech” and finally reached the point in her career when she was ready to volunteer as an AWIT mentor. Although she’s observed a shortage of sponsorship for aspiring women (essential to advancement), she understands that being mentored is a vital piece of the career puzzle. By helping a mentee succeed in their current role, develop their competencies, and build their brand, a mentor gives them the tools they need to move up.

Thanks to Trisha’s approach, “to give advice based on my experience and if I am unable to help, then I will find someone who can,” she’s established a phenomenal relationship with her mentee and has made a real difference in their journey. 


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